
Image Server

Organizing, dynamically resizing and optimizing your product images for best performance. All in one Open Source Software that is free to use.

It’s 2020 and product images are still a challenge for many e-commerce sites. Especially if you’re selling the same products across multiple sites and sales channels. In many cases you’re supposed to pay for services that resize and optimze images for you. This needs to stop. We want you to focus on the content and features of your site. Don’t waste any budget on things that should be a commodity. This Open Source Image Server is all you need.

unit m
nfq asia

Progress 28%



10k €




36k €


Image Resizing

Most e-commerce systems offer presets of image sizes that get generated on each upload of a new product image. This means you need to decide in advance which image sizes you want to use across your site. But what if you want to embed products in e-mail campaigns or any other sales channel where a different image size is more suitable? Add a new size preset globally for all images? This way you end up with lots of files that will never be used. Our Image Server brings you all the flexibillity you need by dynamically resizing images based on url params like for example /images/shirt.jpg?h=300&w=300.

Image Resizing

Image Manipulation

Image Manipulation

You want to make changes to product images depending on the context where they are used? Tired of editing all possible versions for every single image in advance? Don’t worry, we got you! Now you can edit product images on the fly simply by adding some url parameters. For example converting an image into grayscale is a easy as /images/shirt.jpg?gray=1. The Image Server currently supports rotate, flip, crop, grayscale, colorize, padding and overlay.

Optimizing Images

The main aim of optimizing product images is to find the balance between the lowest file size and best quality. Choose the correct combination of format and compression and you can shrink the transfer size drastically. Optimizied images offer a better user experience - especially for slow mobile users.

Optimizing Images

Media Library

Media Library

Our media library is an easy solution to manage all of your product images. You can tag, store and categorize your visual content in a single place. It’s super easy to embed images from here into all of your e-commerce sites, landing pages and sales channels.